
Saturday, September 27, 2014


As the days fly by one by one and the list of projects not finished gets longer and longer I think about how life is getting more complicated.

Purchases that used to involve a simple trip to the store can take hours of searching the internet, days (or weeks) of waiting, and much to much time on the phone trying to find out why it hasn't been delivered yet.

A request or information that used to get answered by a simple phone call can takes days, even weeks, because cell phones and email are so much more easily overlooked or ignored because of shear volume.   

And how does a person plan anything when to get something serviced or repaired now consists of first come first serve then waiting for hours instead of getting an appointment and a ballpark timetable so you could plan the rest of your day around it. 

When did paying for shoddy goods, getting shoddy service and being treated rudely become so common place and acceptable and how did we allow it to happen.

grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
to change the things I can
and the wisdom to realize
that counting my blessings instead of complaining and worrying
is the only way to get out of this life without going insane

AT THE END OF THE DAY...thank you for letting me back to your regularity scheduled day.

Monday, September 1, 2014


I remember a painting class where I learned that most paintings reached a messy "what do I do now" stage that may need to be laid aside for awhile while I work on something else.

Other projects work much the same way but instead of a messy stage it's a road block' stage...waiting for paint to dry so I can sand...figuring out a process I'm not familiar with...waiting for someone to find a tool I need then getting it to me...etc, etc, etc.

This is why (other than the attention span of a gnat) I have so many projects started at the same time. 

Usually all these roadblocks come along one at a time and I always have something else to work on but this past week I hit a virtual traffic jam of them and all I can do is inch along bit by bit waiting for the traffic jam to end and the roadblocks to fall knowing the endless list of projects will be started and finished in their own time.
Autumn Graffiti

So what do I do in the meanwhile?  Anything I want...after all...
AT THE END OF THE DAY...I'm retired.